Hello there, I'm Daniel Yi

My website may be sparse, but that just means I have plenty of room to grow 🌱

About Me

I am a student at the University of Maryland studying Computer Science and I love immersing myself in a multitude of hobbies.

Whether it be kicking a soccer ball around with my brother, snapping poor portraits on my Fujifilm, or spinning a record on my turntable, I have many different ways to distract myself :)


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Soccer Leagues

Soccer Leagues

Created a website where the user can login and search for any soccer league in any country.

If a user wants to follow that league, they can choose to follow that league and it will be saved so the user no longer needs to search for the league to quickly see standings.

(Because service is hosted on Render for free, it will take 30 seconds for website to spin up.)

BitTorrent Client Project

BitTorrent Diagram

Collaborated in a team of 3 to build a working BitTorrent Client from scratch in C utilizing GitLab for comprehensive version control.

Wrote code for sending HTTP GET requests using TCP sockets to the tracker and receiving responses from the tracker.

Client was built according to the Bittorrent Protocol Specification.